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Late 2009 the  Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) submitted a  recommendation to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change to  appoint a Foreshore Reserve Committee to manage the 7 kilometres of Foreshore Reserve  between Queensferry Jetty Rd, Grantville and The Gurdies. As a result  of the negotiations between Parks Victoria and DSE over who actually  manages the land the Grantville and District Foreshore Committee was  appointed to so manage on DSE's behalf, the area covered by the  Committee has been cut back to that between Broome Crt in the south and  the northern edge of Pioneer Bay in the north. Except for an area at  Grantville already covered by Bass Coast Shire, the remainder will  remain under the jurisdiction of Parks Victoria.

Committee  members were selected to form what is now known as The Grantville and  District Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management. The  members  were chosen because of their skill mix, their keen interest and their  knowledge of this area. They have been appointed by the Minister for  Environment and Climate Change for a 3 year period.

The aim of  this website is to keep you informed of the Committees activities.   Meetings of the Foreshore Committee are held on the 2nd Friday of the  month at 7pm and commenced in February 2010, if you wish to attend,  please  contact us.

Key  attributes of the Committee are interest and enthusiasm, a commitment  to caring, protecting and managing the use of the Grantville &  District Foreshore Reserve and maximizing community involvement and  participation.
It is the  Community itself that is the committee’s main focus and we are keen to  ensure that the reserve is used, enjoyed and appreciated by all, so the  management plan must take account of your views.

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