Management Plan - GADFC

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Management Plan

The Grantville and District Foreshore Committee of Management (GADFC) were appointed by the Minister for the Environment and Climate Change as the delegated land managers of the coastal Crown Land reserve between Broome Court, Grantville to Pioneer Bay in the North.

The Committee has developed a management plan which provides an overview of the existing conditions, identifies the vision for the Reserve and future directions. This plan provides the foundation for decision making and resource requirements and will be revised every 3 years.

The plan was developed in accordance with the community’s view on how they wanted the foreshore managed and what needed to be improved and/or what works needed to be undertaken.  We are now asking you to take the time to comment on the plan.

Click HERE to read or print the (draft) Management Plan

Please forward your comments to our secretary:

Di Goeman        
Grantville and District Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management
PO Box 6 Grantville Post Office

Phone:  0418  581816
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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