Boardwalk at Pioneer Bay - GADFC

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Boardwalk at Pioneer Bay

Grantville and District Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management receives funding from the Department of Sustainability and Environment for installation of a Boardwalk at Pioneer Bay

Currently access to the Pioneer Bay foreshore currently involves walking along a track located behind a well established mangrove colony and walking through areas of salt marsh and native vegetation which places these plants under threat from trampling. This extensive area of salt marsh provides significant habitat and is a food source for bird life including the threatened orange bellied parrot.

In order to protect the integrity of this important vegetation The Grantville & District Foreshore Reserve Committee has obtained funding from the Department of Sustainability & Environment (DSE) to install a 58m x1200mm wide boardwalk to provide alternative access to the Pioneer Bay Foreshore. This alternative access track will be approx 50m to the south of the current access point away from the areas in need of protection. This controlled access will ensure the significant native vegetation in this area is protected from disturbance or trampling.

As well as protecting the integrity of the saltmarsh wetland, the boardwalk will include a viewing platform with seating and signage detailing the vegetation and its role in the ecosystem. The signage depicting the ecological significance and the biodiversity of this site will raise community awareness and appreciation of:
  • the habitat diversity and high biological  productivity of this wetland area
  • how it supports wildlife, such as shorebirds, water birds, fish etc.
  • how it acts as a sediment trap, filtering nutrients
  • how it provides the shore line with protection from wave action

The Pioneer Bay Progress Association has been actively involved with the Grantville & District Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management in the development and design of this project, and the local community has been kept fully informed through meetings of: the Pioneer Bay Progress Association, the Grantville & District Foreshore Reserve CoM and the Grantville & District Ratepayers Association.

Extensive public consultation has also taken place in regard to the proposed boardwalk and a survey of the community views has demonstrated not only that support for this project is very strong, there have been no objections.

Raising community awareness about the importance of this project and its ability to protect the ecologically sensitive area while providing improved access and amenity, has also led to the development of an energy and excitement which is uniting this small community. This is apparent from the numerous members of the Pioneer Bay community who have already volunteered their services in regard to assistance with the on-ground works such as re-vegetation of the old access track and are willing to undertake other tasks as required.

The boardwalk was officially opened at 11:00am, Saturday December 11, 2010
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